Comparing X API’s Posts Lookup Endpoints

The v2 Posts lookup endpoints replace the standard v1.1 GET statuses/lookup and GET statuses/show endpoints. This guide is for developers migrating from these older versions to X API v2.

Endpoint Comparison Table

DescriptionStandard v1.1X API v2
HTTP methods supportedGETGET
Host domainhttps://api.x.com
Endpoint path/1.1/statuses/show.json, /1.1/statuses/lookup.json/2/tweets
AuthenticationOAuth 1.0a User ContextOAuth 1.0a User Context, OAuth 2.0 App-Only, OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code with PKCE
Post JSON formatStandard v1.1 formatX API v2 format, determined by fields and expansions parameters (not backward-compatible with v1.1)
Supports selecting specific fields
Supports the annotations fields
Supports new metrics fields
Supports conversation_id field
Provides Post edit history
Requires credentials from a developer App associated with a Project

Standard v1.1 compared to X API v2

If you have been working with the standard v1.1 GET statuses/show and GET statuses/lookup, this guide will help you understand the similarities and differences between the standard and X API v2 Posts lookup endpoints.

You may also be interested in our visual data format migration tool to help you quickly see the differences between the X API v1.1 data format and the X API v2 format.

  • Similarities

    • OAuth 1.0a User Context
    • Posts per request limits
    • Support for Post edit history and metadata
  • Differences

    • Endpoint URLs
    • App and Project requirements
    • Response data format
    • Request parameters


OAuth 1.0a User Context Authentication Method

The standard endpoint supports OAuth 1.0a User Context, while the new X API v2 Post lookup endpoint supports both OAuth 1.0a User Context and OAuth 2.0 App-Only. Therefore, if you were previously using one of the standard v1.1 Post lookup endpoints, you can continue using the same authentication method if you migrate to the X API v2 version.

App-Only authentication is likely the easiest way to get started. To learn how to generate an App Access Token, see this OAuth 2.0 App-only guide.

Posts per Request Limits

The v1.1 GET statuses/lookup endpoint allows you to specify up to 100 Posts per request. This also applies to the GET /tweets endpoint. To specify a full 100 Posts, use the ids parameter as a query parameter with a comma-separated list of Post IDs.

Support for Post Edit History and Metadata

Both versions provide metadata that describes any edit history. Check out the Post lookup API References and the Edit Posts fundamentals page for more details.


Endpoint URLs

  • Standard v1.1 endpoints:
  • X API v2 endpoint:

App and Project Requirements

X API v2 endpoints require credentials from a developer App associated with a Project for authentication. X API v1.1 endpoints can use credentials from standalone Apps or Apps associated with a Project.

Response Data Format

A significant difference between standard v1.1 and X API v2 endpoint versions is how fields are selected in the payload.

For standard endpoints, many response fields are included by default, with options to use parameters to specify additional fields.

X API v2, however, only delivers the Post id and text fields by default. Additional fields and objects require the use of fields and expansions parameters. The expanded fields return in an includes object within the response, which can be matched to the primary Post object by matching IDs.

For more on using fields and expansions, see the guide on how to use fields and expansions. A data format migration guide also maps standard v1.1 fields to the newer v2 fields.

Additionally, X API v2 introduces new JSON designs for objects, including the Post and user objects:

  • Standard endpoints return Post objects in a statuses array, while X API v2 uses a data array.
  • Retweeted and Quoted Tweets in X API v2 replace “statuses” terminology.
  • New terminology such as like replaces terms like favorites and favourites.
  • Attributes with no values (e.g., null) are not included in X API v2 payloads.

The Post object in X API v2 includes new fields such as:

  • conversation_id
  • Two new annotations fields (context and entities)
  • New metrics fields
  • reply_setting field showing who can reply to a given Post

Request Parameters

The following standard v1.1 request parameters have equivalents in X API v2:

StandardX API v2

Certain standard v1.1 parameters are not supported in X API v2:

tweet_modeReplaced by fields and expansions functionality.
trim_userReplaced by fields and expansions. Use author_id expansion and user.fields for user data.
include_my_retweetProvides the ID of the source Post for Retweeted Posts by the authenticating user.
include_entitiesUse fields and expansions to control entities in the payload.
include_ext_alt_textAdds ext_alt_text field in media entity if alt text is present.
include_card_uriAdds card_uri when an ads card is attached.
mapReturns the Post ID and error message for unavailable Posts in X API v2, as opposed to nullified fields in v1.1.

CURL Requests

The following cURL requests show standard v1.1 endpoints and their v2 equivalents. Replace ACCESS_TOKEN in the header with your app access token. For v2 endpoints, the token must belong to a developer App within a Project.

The response payloads from v1.1 will differ from v2. With v2, you can request different fields with the fields and expansions parameters.

Standard v1.1 GET statuses/lookup and v2 GET /tweets endpoints

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'

Standard v1.1 GET statuses/show/:id and v2 GET /tweets/:id endpoints

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'