Creation of a Post
Causes the User to create a Post under the authorized account.
The access token received from the authorization server in the OAuth 2.0 flow.
Card Uri Parameter. This is mutually exclusive from Quote Tweet Id, Poll, Media, and Direct Message Deep Link.
The unique identifier of this Community.
Link to take the conversation from the public timeline to a private Direct Message.
Exclusive Tweet for super followers.
Place ID being attached to the Tweet for geo location.
Media information being attached to created Tweet. This is mutually exclusive from Quote Tweet Id, Poll, and Card URI.
Nullcasted (promoted-only) Posts do not appear in the public timeline and are not served to followers.
Poll options for a Tweet with a poll. This is mutually exclusive from Media, Quote Tweet Id, and Card URI.
Unique identifier of this Tweet. This is returned as a string in order to avoid complications with languages and tools that cannot handle large integers.
Tweet information of the Tweet being replied to.
Settings to indicate who can reply to the Tweet.
, mentionedUsers
, subscribers
The content of the Tweet.
"Learn how to use the user Tweet timeline and user mention timeline endpoints in the X API v2 to explore Tweet\\u2026 https:\\/\\/\\/56a0vZUx7i"
An HTTP Problem Details object, as defined in IETF RFC 7807 (