Comparing X API’s Lists endpoints

The v2 manage Lists endpoints will eventually replace POST lists/createPOST lists/destroy, and POST lists/update. If you have code, apps, or tools that use an older version of these endpoints and are considering migrating to the newer X API v2, then this guide is for you. 

The following tables compare the standard v1.1 and X API v2 List endpoints:

Create a List

DescriptionStandard v1.1X API v2
HTTP methods supportedPOSTPOST
Host domainhttps://api.x.com
Endpoint path/1.1/lists/create.json/2/lists
AuthenticationOAuth 1.0a User ContextOAuth 1.0a User Context
Default request rate limitsNone300 requests per 15 min (per user)

Delete a List

DescriptionStandard v1.1X API v2
HTTP methods supportedPOSTDELETE
Host domainhttps://api.x.com
Endpoint path/1.1/lists/destroy.json/2/lists/:id
AuthenticationOAuth 1.0a User ContextOAuth 1.0a User Context
Default request rate limitsNone300 requests per 15 min (per user)

Update a List

DescriptionStandard v1.1X API v2
HTTP methods supportedPOSTPUT
Host domainhttps://api.x.com
Endpoint path/1.1/lists/update.json/2/lists/:id
AuthenticationOAuth 1.0a User ContextOAuth 1.0a User Context
Default request rate limitsNone300 requests per 15 min (per user)

To access the X API v2 endpoints, you must sign up for a developer account. When authenticating, you must use keys and tokens from a developer App that is located within a Project

Learn more about getting access to the X API v2 endpoints in our getting started page.